Anna Hayward MNCS Accred. (2022)

Anna Hayward MNCPS Accred (2022)

Counselling with a Difference

Hi, I'm Anna Hayward

Counselling and therapy isn't just for Hollywood celebrities - most of us can benefit from talking to a professional trained to listen. Counselling offers you an opportunity to talk about the things that concern you, in confidential space, without having to worry about being judged or burdening the other person.

Counselling is a way to sort through your feelings and discover new solutions to your problems. This could include:

  • stress and anxiety
  • depression
  • low self-esteem
  • problems with work or relationships
  • coping with change
  • bereavement
  • And many other issues.

Whatever ails you, talking can help.

My approach recognises that everyone is unique and I tailor my work to you as an individual. My goal is to help you explore your issues and come up with your own solutions, whether it be over the Web or face-to-face in my office. I work with both individuals and couples.

Counselling For Neurodivergence

(Autism, Aspergers & ADHD)

Feeling like you never fit in? Are you autistic, Aspergers or ADHD, or suspect you might be? Or perhaps you are a parent, partner or carer to someone else who is? As a late-diagnosed autistic, and ADHDer, I know how it is to live with a brain that doesn't seem to work like other people's. I can offer you counselling that understands your difficulties, but still treats you as an individual.

You don't have to be diagnosed or even fit the criteria for me to help you. I have helped people who are self-diagnosed, people waiting years on waiting lists, and people who've been diagnosed but want more support. Having raised three autistic children, I also have experience from the other side of the fence - as a parent and loved one.

Common issues I help Neurodivergent clients with include:

* Chronic worry
* Low self-esteem
* Experiencing bullying
* Difficulty making friends
* Trouble with organisation
* Problems with work
* Insomnia
* Understanding your diagnosis
* Preparing for a formal diagnosis

By talking through these issues with me, I can help you find self-acceptance and discover solutions to problems. I can help you weigh-up the pros and cons of going for a medical diagnosis. And we can talk through what your neurodivergence means to you, whether it's autism or ADHD.

My goal is to help you not only accept your differences, whether you are neurodivergent or a loved-one to someone who is, but be proud of who you are: 'Different not less'.

Autism pride infinity symbol

LGBTQiA-Affirming Counselling

The other 'difference' I specialise in is in providing counselling to the LGBTQiA+ community, of which I am a member. Whatever your sexuality or gender identity, I can offer you a safe place to talk about your issues without worrying about judgement. My philosophy is that the client is who they say they are.

Issues I can cover include:
* Coming to terms with your sexuality or gender identity
* Coming out
* Coping with discrimination
* Self-esteem
* Dealing with change

Relationship Counselling

In addition to individual counselling I am able to offer relationship counselling to couples (and more). This may include intimate partners, but could also be friends, roommates, siblings etc. 

My way of working with couples (and other relationships) differs somewhat from working with individuals, in that I'm more of a facilitator and coach, and there will be homework! The relationship is my client, rather than the two of you individually, and we will work as a team to improve your communication and connection with each other with the goal of improving your relationship.

Although I am trained to work with all kinds of relationships, I have a particular interest in Neurodivergent couples.

Contact Us

Please note that I may have limited availability. Please contact me for details.
